...a confident hobby
guitarist carries his instrument about with him,
settles wherever he wants to - and canges the
impression of his enviroment just by performing
his emotional cover of oasis' wonderwall...
...a young women in the tramway is digging around
in her handbag, fetches her pocketmirror, powder
and lipstick, refurbishes her face and instantly
she feels much better...
...a shirty mother fishes a milk bottle out of
her shopping bag to keep her kid quiet...
It's very advantageous to carry certain things in
your pockets - it's very disadvantageous if the _r i g h t _e q u i p m e n t_is missing.
It's reasonable to find out what kind of tools
have to be carried along for changing common
everyday-neighborhoods to adventure spaces -
wherever you want to.
A u f__T
a s c h e_provides
some proposals - primarily for Hannover-Limmer -
cause this is a urban playground made of diverse
spaces where unexpected utilisations are
Of course these approaches can be translated and
expanded for every similar place or town.
A participation of every user and visitor of this
website is needed to make AufTasche a useful and
valueable platform for exploring the common
surrounding enviroment.